To Secure a Hearing Date via E-mail
We are suggesting that when contacting district judges to secure hearing dates that you do so via e-mail to the judges’ administrative assistants. Please include the following information in your e-mail request:
Name and case number
Type of hearing
Estimated time needed for hearing
Names of all attorneys in the case
(Please copy scheduling personnel for all offices on your e-mail request so that one reply from the court will go to all offices. When responding please remember to “Reply to All.”)
- Division 1- Judge Larson’s Administrative Assistant is Bridget Wilson and she can be e-mailed at
- Division 2 – Judge Fowler’s Administrative Assistant is Jennifer Munday and she can be e-mailed at
- Division 3 – Judge Miser’s Administrative Assistant is Casey Ranalli and she can be e-mailed at
You may also utilize e-mail to demonstrate that you have complied with the local practice rule which requires that a good faith effort be made to resolve disputes prior to setting a hearing on post-judgment domestic motions. (Please insure that all attorneys/parties are copied on e-mails to avoid ex-parte communications.)
To Reach an Administrative Assistant by Telephone
- Division 1 – Judge Larson – Bridget Wilson can be reached by telephone at 620-341-3292.
- Division 2 – Judge Fowler – Jennifer Munday can be reached by telephone at 620-341-3293.
- Division 3 – Judge Miser – Casey Ranalli can be reached by telephone at 620-341-3296.